
The New Business Roundtable creates a joint learning environment for large companies on New Business Development. New Business Development is intrinsically difficult for firms, while essential for the their future. Many firms lack specialized knowledge on how to perform these activities in an optimal manner. The New Business Roundtable serves to fill that gap.

We organize two yearly events in which peer-to-peer learning is key. External speakers from companies and academia add to these events.

In addition, the New Business Roundtable facilitates communication between members in smaller meetings.
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Upcoming Events

27 June 2023 - Webinar


Topic and (academic & corporate) speakers will follow soon. 

26 September 2023 - International Conference with German Roundtable

High Tech Campus, Eindhoven

This full day event is a joint meeting with the Roundtable of Prof. Frank Piller from the RWTH Aachen. Some members of the RWTH Roundtable are: Ford, Vodafone, Rheinmetall, E.ON, Henkel, Bayer, Miele, Continental, and others. Topics and speakers will follow soon. 

Past Events

13 April 2023 - Full Day Event: Digital Tools for Innovation

Karel V, Utrecht

The morning topic was: Digital design tools with academic speaker Dr Philipp Cornelius, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Philipp is an expert in machine learning and the use of algorithms, especially in innovation. Followed by corporate speakers: Jochem de Jong from Damen Shipyards and Dennis Hoeks from Vencomatic Group. The afternoon topic was: Digital tools for innovation management (Product Lifecycle Management). Our academic speaker was Prof. Stefan Hüsig, Technische Universität Chemnitz. Prof. Hüsig has published extensively on digital tools for innovation management, and their effects. Plus corporate speaker Sandra Kieft-Van Doorn from FrieslandCampina. We had several breakout sessions, a nice lunch and a networking reception.

12 January 2023 - Seminar: How to cultivate and select the best ideas? Strategies for a successful idea management

Inntel, Utrecht

It is often easy to collect creative ideas. But there are several challenges in generating successful outcomes. The quality of ideas can be low, ideas may get insufficient attention, and the follow-up may be lacking. How can you organize idea management processes and contests to develop successful innovations? Our speaker was: Prof. Dirk Deichmann, Associate Professor of Innovation Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He has published in top-ranked journals on this topic and shared his findings and suggestions with us. Including table discussions and networking drinks after.

11 October 2022 - Full Day Event: Strategic and Ecosystem Roadmapping

Karel V, Utrecht

For each event we cover a different topic. The topic in the morning was: Strategic roadmapping and in the afternoon Ecosystem roadmapping. Our academic speakers were: Dr Clive Kerr, Centre for Technology Management, University of Cambridge and Prof. Elke den Ouden, Technical University Eindhoven. Our corporate speakers were: Mark Giebels from ASML and Kristel van Haaren from Heijmans. With several breakout sessions, plenary discussions and networking drinks.

6 September 2022 - International conference: Overcoming Biases in the Selection of Innovation Projects


We organized this webinar jointly with the roundtable of Prof. Frank Piller of RWTH Aachen (TIMEX). The speaker was Prof. Paola Criscuolo, Professor of Innovation Management at Imperial College, London, UK. With several presentations, 2 business cases from members, breakout sessions and plenary discussions.

5 April 2022 - Full Day Event: How to Get People On Board?

Karel V, Utrecht

The topic in the morning was: How to get top management on board? and in the afternoon How to get colleagues and customers on board?. The speakers were: Dr. Stefano Tasselli, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Prof. Paola Criscuolo and Dr. Anne ter Wal, Imperial College (online). Frank van Noord – VP Innovation, Royal Cosun. And Guido Frenken, CTO, Engie. With several breakout sessions, plenary discussions and networking drinks.

1 Februari 2022 - International conference: Evaluing evaluation metrics – How to optimize innovation KPIs


We organized this webinar jointly with the roundtable of Prof. Frank Piller of RWTH Aachen (TIMEX). The speaker was Fred Langerak, Professor Product Development & Management at Eindhoven University and Technology. With several presentations, 2 business cases from members, breakout sessions and plenary discussions.

24 November 2021 - Seminar: How to build capability for open innovation?

Inntel Hotels, Utrecht

The topic of this sebinar was: How to build capability for open innovation (including quick readiness scan)? Professor Oliver Alexy (Munich) gave an interactive presentation, with a breakout session and networking drinks.

5 October 2021 - Full Day Event: Portfolio Management

Karel V, Utrecht

The topic of this full day event was: Portfolio management decision-making and Managing the portfolio process. The speakers were: Hans Georg Gemünden – TU Berlin (he is leader of a large scale research project on portfolio management), Bart Zeeman - Strategist Technology and Operations, NXP, Cor Jorna - Head of Innovation Portfolio, Philips and Bart Bloothoofd - Global Lead Innovation Strategy & Exploration, ING. With several breakout sessions, plenary discussions and networking drinks.

29 June 2021 - Full Day Event: Collaborating with Startups

Karel V, Utrecht

The topic of this full day event was: Collaborating with Startups and Corporate Incubators and Venturing. The speakers were: Pinar Ozcan - Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Saïd Business School, Oxford University). Benno Tieke - Head of Portfolio Management, Philips HealthWorks. Ani Kusurkar - Global Commercial Director, Consumer Dairy, and responsible for the corporate incubator at Royal FrieslandCampina. Niels Eldering - Head of the European Space Agency’s Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs).

6 April 2021 - Webinar: Mobilizing Frontline Employees for Innovation


The topic of this webinar was: Mobilizing Frontline Employees for Innovation: How to get them on-board? Prof. Fabian J. Sting is the Chair of Supply Chain Strategy and Innovation at the University of Cologne. He gave an interactive presentation (Q&A and polls), with a breakout session and online networking.

18 February 2021 - Webinar: Collaboration for Innovation


Dries Faems is Professor Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technological Transformation at WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management. The topic of this webinar was: Collaboration for Innovation. How to select partners, and how to manage the relationship? With an interactive presentation (Q&A and polls), breakout session and online networking.

17 September 2020 - Full Day Event: Alignment of Corporate and Business Unit Innovation

Karel V, Utrecht

The topic of this full day event was: Speed of Innovation and Alignment of Corporate and Business Unit Innovation. With academic speakers Prof. Fred Langerak (University of Eindhoven) and Prof. Murat Tarakci (Rotterdam School of Management). Plus industry speakers from Corbion and ING.

9 June 2020 - Seminar: Innovating during a Crisis: Cost-cutting versus investing?

Hotel Vianen, Utrecht

How to react to the crisis in our innovation activities? In many firms, pressure will develop to reduce cut costs of innovation. What is the alternative that we as innovators propose? Just continuing with the innovation activities, according to the pre-crisis program? Or should we adapt our program, reconsidering our priorities, and if so, how? In this seminar, Jan van den Ende will first briefly present views from the literature. He summarizes the results of studies on alternative reactions on previous crises, and on the effects of procyclical and countercyclical innovation. Next, we will exchange experiences and views.

11 February 2020 - Seminar: How to create an innovative company culture?

Hilton, Rotterdam

Hannes Leroy is Associate Professor at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He has an extensive publication record on company culture, leadership and ethics. He did research on the effects of bonuses, and he is passionate of the concept of ‘authentic leadership’. In his talk, he first addressed a few commonly held myths about organization. Next, he addressed the main elements of company cultures, and he discussed the specifics of an innovative culture with the audience.

12 November 2019 - Seminar: Direct and Indirect Marketing of Innovations

Creative Valley, Utrecht

Ashish Sood is a professor of marketing at the University of California Riverside. His research is about the financial pay-off of innovation for the innovating firm, on the irregular pattern of diffusion of innovation in the market, and on disruptive innovation.

1 October 2019 - Full Day Event: Leadership for Innovation

Karel V, Utrecht

The topic of this full day event was: Leadership for Innovation. With academic speakers Daan Stam and Stefano Tasselli from Erasmus University - Rotterdam School of Management. Plus speakers from Codi and Signify. With breakout sessions, lunch and networking drinks afterwards.

23 May 2019 - Seminar: Alternative Project Management Approaches

Meeting Plaza, Utrecht

In this seminar, Tom Maes and Karolin Gebhardt from Bayer presented four alternative project management methods, and a model on how to choose between them. Karolin Gebhardt developed the approach at Bayer as a PhD student. With networking drinks afterwards.

4 April 2019 - International conference: Collaboration for Industry 4.0

High Tech Campus, Eindhoven

This full day event was a joint meeting with the Roundtable of Prof. Frank Piller from the RWTH Aachen. Some members of the RWTH Roundtable are: Ford, Vodafone, Rheinmetall, E.ON, Henkel, Bayer, Miele, Continental, and others.The topic was: Collaboration for Innovation in Times of Industry 4.0. We had academic and company speakers and networking drinks afterwards.

22 January 2019 - Seminar: State-of-the Art IP Management

CIC, Rotterdam

Prof. Holger Ernst holds the Chair of Technology and Innovation Management at Otto Beisheim School of Management, a highly ranked German business school. He is also visiting professor at the Kellogg School of Management, USA and honorary professor and principal fellow within the Faculty of Business and Economics at the Melbourne Business School, Australia. He has an extensive publication record in innovation, technology and Intellectual Property Management, and he is an experienced and highly valued speaker for industry audiences. Holger co-founded PatentSight, a firm in the field of patent valuation and analytics.

4 October 2018 - Full Day Event: Ecosystem Innovation and Scaling Up Innovation

Karel V Hotel, Utrecht

During this full day event the New Business Roundtable focussed on two themes: Ecosystem Innovation with Prof. Erkko Autio (Imperial College London) and Scaling Up with Prof. Fred Langerak (TU Eindhoven). The event was closed with a networking reception.

4 July 2018 - Seminar: Leading for Innovation

Media Plaza, Utrecht

During this two hour seminar Professor Daan Stam from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) gave a presentation entitled: Leadership for Innovation: Catalyst or Incubator. Followed by lively discussions and networking drinks.

19 April 2018 - Full Day Event: Portfolio Management and Platform Innovation

Karel V Hotel, Utrecht

The second full day event of the New Business Roundtable focussed on two themes: Agile portfolio management and Platform innovation. The purpose is to develop ‘lessons learned’ related to these two topics, based on in-depth discussions of some cases from the members.

24 November 2017 - Seminar: Innovation in Ecosystems

Jaarbeurs, Utrecht

During this two hour seminar Professor Frank Piller from RWTH University gave an inspiring and insightful presentation on ecosystem innovation followed by lively discussions on the topic.

28 September 2017 - Full Day Event: Managing Transitions and Collaborations between Firms

Karel V Hotel, Utrecht

At a historic location in the center of Utrecht, the New Business Roundtable brought together a group of 30 executives in NBD from various sectors. They shared best practises and challenges based on real cases from their companies. The meeting focused on two topics: Collaboration with Other Companies and Transition of Business Models.


Jan van den Ende is professor of innovation and technology management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). He has a track record in research on idea management, design thinking, ecosystem innovation and real options valuation. He published numerous articles, amongst others in Harvard Business Review, Organization Science and Journal of Product Innovation Management. He is Academic Director of the executive course New Business Development and he teaches the courses Business Model Innovation and Leading Business Services.

Marjolein van Rosmalen is since 2010 the owner of VKOZ events & communication in Rotterdam. She is specialized in project and change management and has more than 25 years of experience in the business travel and event industry. She works with various large corporates, multinationals and government clients in diverse industries.


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